Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Taking Control in 2012

           Although I don't believe getting out of debt is likely the most popular New Years resolution, it can't be too far behind losing weight.  Many folks take advantage of this time of year after the holidays to reign in spending and to concentrate on knocking out debt.  If this is your resolution this year, good for you.  Unfortunately, we all know how poorly most of us are at keeping resolutions.  I typically don't even make New Years resolutions because I don't want to set myself up for failure.  But this year I am going to make some resolutions.  While my resolutions don't revolve around debt, I think it is important to have a plan regarding how you are going to achieve any goal (after all resolutions are really just goals).  If you want to read more about the best strategy to get out of debt check out my previous blog posting on the best methods to pay down debt.

          So let me fill you in on my goals for 2012:

          1.  Meet with or have lunch with at least two people per month.  Ideally, these would be people who I do not know well and I can use the opportunity to learn about them as well as their occupation.
         2.  Continue to Learn in order to be the best attorney possible by dedicating at least 4 hours per month to reading new caselaw, articles, publications, ect., which focus on bankruptcy law in Indiana.  It is true that bankruptcy law is constantly changing through court decisions and new rules.  In order to be the best bankruptcy attorney that I can be it is important to stay on top of the changes.
        3.  To post at least one entry to this blog per week.  As time goes on it gets more and more challenging for me to think of blog topics that are interesting to my readers.  I would appreciate any feedback regarding topics you would like me to address in a blog posting....but even if I don't get any feedback, goal #2 should help me think of new and helpful postings worthwhile to my readers.
        4.  Make sure I am using technology to the fullest.  In the practice of law technology is not always king.  In fact, attorneys are known for their ignorance of the latest technology.  I am determined to take advantage of any technology that would aid my clients by making it easier to gather the information necessary to file bankruptcy.
        5.  Begin posting video clips on the Halcomb Singler website or on this blog that talk about different bankruptcy issues.  I have wanted to do this for some time, but always find it difficult to set aside the time to devote to making and posting a video.  Just so I am accountable on this I will add that my first video should be posted no later than the end of April.

        Now that I look at them in writing, my goals are fairly simple.  They don't take much planning, but do take quite a bit of time, which is a very finite resource for me as an attorney.  For those of you whose resolutions deal with I suggest you tackle the task by making a realistic budget that doesn't cut out all entertainment, clothing, eating out, etc.  Make sure you are realistic so that you can stick to the budget.  Then read the best methods to pay down debt blog referenced earlier.  Once you have determined which method you would like to use, start making the extra payment(s).  If you don't have enough income in your budget, then get another job or jobs (yes I said jobs) so that you have enough income to effectuate your plan.

         If you have done everything you can think of each year to get out of debt and have put your plan into action as I have described and you are still swimming in debt it may be the time to speak with an Indiana Bankruptcy Attorney.  If you are receiving lawsuits for unpaid debts I would recommend you speak to a bankruptcy attorney located in your area.  If you live in Indianapolis, Carmel, Fishers, Tipton, Zionsville, Noblesville, or the surrounding areas and would like to meet with me to discuss bankruptcy options just give me a call at (317) 575-8222.  There is no fee for the initial consultation and I will give you my legal opinion regarding whether bankruptcy would help you (bankruptcy is not a good option for all people with debt issues) and answer your questions regarding bankruptcy.

        Happy New Years everyone!  I hope 2012 is filled with blessings for you and your families.  Make it a great year.

Halcomb Singler, LLP, is a debt relief agency.  It helps people file for bankruptcy under the bankruptcy code.  No attorney-client relationship with the firm of Halcomb Singler, LLP, is created through this blog. Also, please note that Erika Singler is an attorney licensed in Indiana and does not seek to practice law in any jurisdiction in which they are not properly authorized to do so.  The information contained in this blog is general in nature and should not be relied upon for the circumstances of any individual(s) or businesses.


  1. Thanks for posting this, Erika. I've been reading your blog for some time, and just haven't wanted to comment in order to keep from making any real-life connection to the situation in my own life. Anyhow, I enjoy your posts from the attorney perspective. One thing that I think would be interesting and helpful, though I admittedly think it could be very difficult to even do, is to have real stories. People who are going through and might be willing to share something. That's what I look for online the most, but have only found one or two blogs with that insight. It's probably tough in your position, as you're not able to share and any client probably wouldn't care to share publicly, but that's the thought that comes to my mind.

    1. Thank you so much for ommenting! I have been thinking about your comment and how I can write about this topic without violating the privacy of my clients. I will keep thinking about this and hope to be able to provide more details of a specific situation (with the permission of my client, of course) :)
