Thursday, May 19, 2011

When is it time to seek the advice of a bankruptcy attorney?

           I understand that people are often hesitant to seek the advice of a bankruptcy attorney.  Individuals are often afraid of the unknown, reluctant to talk about their financial difficulties with someone they have never met and are putting all of their extra time toward working in an attempt to pay all of the bills.  However, I believe that it is smart to seek the advice of a bankruptcy attorney when you are experiencing some or all of the following factors:

1.  You are working but not able to keep up with your bills or you know that you will fall behind on your bills shortly.

2.  A lawsuit has been filed against you for a credit card, mortgage foreclosure or other collection action and you don't have the money to pay the amount due.

3.  You are considering taking a hardship loan from your 401k.

4.  You are always putting your groceries on a credit card or taking credit card cash advances to pay your living expenses or on other credit card payments.

5.  You are stuck in a cycle of cash advance loans.

6.  You have been attempting to get out of debt for years and you are coming to the conclusion that you are not able to escape.  The stress of debt is keeping you awake at night and causing issues in your family and/or marital relationships.

7.  You have borrowed money from relatives several times to get out of debt and have not been able to pay them back.  However, you still have a lot of debt and you don't want to ask them for any more money.

8.  You have stopped making a contribution towards your retirement because you need every cent of your paycheck to pay debt payments.

9.  You are going to getting a divorce shortly or are in the process of divorce and neither you nor your spouse can afford the house you were living in as a couple.  The house has been on the market for an extended period of time and there have not been any offers.  On top of the house you have additional credit card, medical or other debt.

10.  You owe income taxes over several years.  You are not able to make the payments required by the IRS or Indiana Department of Revenue on these taxes.

    At Halcomb Singler, LLP, we do not charge for an initial consultation regarding bankruptcy.  We understand that you don't know everything about bankruptcy.  You have questions regarding the process and whether it could help you or not.  We want to encourage people to get the information that will aid them in making an informed decision about bankruptcy.  I typically tell people that only they can make the decision whether they need to file a bankruptcy and that I am simply there to give them the information, answer their questions and let them know whether I believe they might benefit from bankruptcy.  Since there is no charge for the initial consultation there is nothing to gain except knowledge.  If you live in Indianapolis, Carmel, Westfield, Noblesville, Fishers or in any other place surrounding Indianapolis and you would like to meet with me to discuss bankruptcy please contact me at 317-575-8222.  I am happy to speak to you without judgment and in an effort to help you come to a plan to solve your financial problems even if it does not include bankruptcy!

Halcomb Singler, LLP, is a debt relief agency.  It helps people file for bankruptcy under the bankruptcy code.  No attorney-client relationship with the firm of Halcomb Singler, LLP, is created through this blog. Also, please note that Erika Singler is an attorney licensed in Indiana and does not seek to practice law in any jurisdiction in which they are not properly authorized to do so.  The information contained in this blog is general in nature and should not be relied upon for the circumstances of any individual(s) or businesses.

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